April 22, 2010

The Living Box by Mel Caddick

The Living Box by Mel Caddick.  A replica of a prefabricated house designed by Giuseppe Mecca - http://www.edilportale.com/livingbox/Scheda_Progetto.asp?portale=&IDP=52243

April 20, 2010

The Vault Savings No Loan

The Vault is a coin bank made of LEGO bricks.  It has a secret door that opens in three steps. Only its creator knows the correct sequence.  Of course you could smash it on a concrete floor but it would be like blowing up your local bank to make a withdrawal : it is not advisable.

La Voûte est une tirelire faite de briques LEGO.  Elle possède une porte secrète qui s’ouvre en trois étapes.  Seul son créateur en connaît la séquence.  Bien sûr, on pourrait toujours la fracasser sur une surface de ciment mais ce serait comme faire sauter votre banque pour y faire un retrait : pas recommandable…

The Vault : LEGO coin bank / La Voûte : tirelire en LEGO

The Vault : LEGO coin bank / La Voûte : tirelire en LEGO

The Vault : LEGO coin bank / La Voûte : tirelire en LEGO

April 11, 2010

Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California

Close-up photographs of Midtown Manhattan

Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California

The Flatiron Building

Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California

The Lever House

Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California

The Lipstick Building

Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California


Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California


Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California


Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California


Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California


Windows of Manhattan at LEGOLAND California

Street corner

April 10, 2010

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Luxor Hotel and Casino

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

Luxor Hotel and Casino, detail of the pyramid

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

Detail of rooftop, MGM Grand Hotel and Casino

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Mirage Hotel

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

New York, New York Hotel and Casino

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Venitian Hotel

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Venitian Hotel

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

The Venitian Hotel

The Las Vegas Strip at LEGOLAND California

Detail of The Venitian Hotel

April 9, 2010

Building Utopolis - Phase 1

Michael Labelle placing buildings.

Building Utopolis - Phase 1

Original Layout

Plan original

Building Utopolis - Phase 1 - General View

Building Utopolis - Phase 1 - Details

Building Utopolis - Phase 1

Building Utopolis - Phase 1

April 8, 2010

Building Utopolis

Central perspective with bridges and The Black Tower.

Perspective centrale avec ponts et Tour Noire.

Building Utopolis

Assembly of central bridges.

Assemblages des ponts du centre.

April 7, 2010

NYC - Extreme Simpli-City

NYC - Extreme Simpli-City


I LOVE THIS!  Especially this one:

Lego Drinks

And this one:

Lego Coffee

And this one!

Lego city

There’s more as well, and they’re all adorable!

Utopolis Grid

Detail of original plan Black Tower side. 

Détail du plan d’origine côté Tour Noire.

April 6, 2010

Building Utopolis

Assembling Bridges - The orthogonal grid of Utopolis is made of  bridges 32 studs in length connected with 20x20 crosses. 

Assemblages des ponts - La grille orthogonale d’Utopolis est faite de ponts de 32 tenons de longueur reliés par des croix de 20x20.

Building Utopolis

Assembling bridges • Assemblage des ponts

Futurama Building by Pepa Quin


(via mortifiedandawesome)

Photocopier by Dr Spock


LEGO copier (via dr_spock_888)

April 5, 2010

Building Utopolis - Original Assembly - Assemblage original

Building Utopolis - Phase 1

The ultimate master plan of Utopolis is laid out in the orthogonal method.  Eight-brick high bridges serve as the grid to which buildings are attached.  The City is conceived to sit on a shallow body of water - perhaps extending from the shore of a lake of the ocean.  The modular design of the structures make the arrangement flexible and allow a continuous expansion.  The following photos show the first official assembling of the metropolis in 2006.

Le plan ultime d’Utopolis s’organise autour de la grille orthogonale.  Des ponts de huit briques de hauteur relient les différents édifices.  La Ville est conçue pour être développée sur une surface d’eau à partir des rives d’un lac ou d’un océan. Le design modulaire permet des arrangements versatiles et une expansion continuelle de la Ville.  Les photos qui suivent montrent le premier assemblage officiel de la métropole en 2006.

Assembling Utopolis - phase 1 - Assemblage d’Utopolis

April 3, 2010

Darth Vader Skyhook by Paul Yperman

Darth Vader Skyhook by Paul Yperman

Skyhooks are structures orbitting Coruscant and are owned by important persons to keep their precious things safe rather than having them on the surface. Darth Vader owned several of them. Circular structures are always a challenge in LEGO building and this one shows a great mastering of the medium.  This piece is made of 6900 pieces.


April 1, 2010

Luseville - The Final Post by JD Luse

Microcities Series : Luseville - The Final Post

Luseville is a 64x64 microcity created by JD Luse from Washington State, USA.  Visit this city at http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/84505

Shannonia by Shannon Young